Peer review, now a days is a backbone for any journal. Peer review process makes the journal paper better. Better in sense of quality and contents. Peer review is a voluntary contribution of researcher.
First of all, let me tell you in simple words what is peer review?
Well it is a simply the process to access others scholarly work for betterment. It holds rights to suggest corrections, rejection or acceptance for publication.
Picture1: Peer Review
In many blogs, i have gone through the comments like reviewers are not responding to the editors requests. Peer review is in danger. Conventional review process is over.
I feel this article will motivate the reviewers. I believe in there are plenty of people still ready to work for improvement in the scholarly articles.
A person working in any area can get plenty of opportunities to peer review others work. While carrying out the peer review few guidelines must be considered. Many standard journals have set the policies for peer review process.
I am going to help you in understanding the principles to follow while doing a peer review. Yes off course you may be a very contributing reviewer. But my guide will help you to become a popular reviewer.
Sometimes, when we are working for the noble cause, we are very casual. This will kill the social instinct. Peer review in my opinion is also a social (moreover techno-social) work.
When we work as a reviewer for a journal, we have committed to spare our valuable time for them. In fact we are not getting anything in return. Off course we get the satisfaction of working for betterment of others work.
I wish you to follow the 5 principles i have identified for peer review.
Follow the time lines and deadlines given to you. Timely review is always impacting. It helps in improving the article in time. If you finish your review work in time, the editors and authors will get more time to work.
As you know the process is totally depends upon reviewers response. If you respond in time you will be appreciated.
Although, you expect the author to work more, it finally depends on his scope of work. You may expect the things as per your expertise level, but the author may have different objectives to achieve. You must think of authors objectives of the work.
Your comments must be specific. The clear instruction will help the author to understand the areas of improvement. Be very specific about your opinion on the particular part of the paper.
Most of the times, common conversations of reviewers are:
We have taken very hardships, now a days researchers are not working so hard. Quality of the scholarly articles has declined.
Well, every researcher is working hard to prepare the paper. It is not necessary, if you have faced the problems, others must equally face the problems. Control your emotions and be unbiased.
Yes, be expressive about your opinions. Being a reviewer, you are not only responsible to review the papers but also help the journal to improve. Your simple suggestions sometimes are key milestones for the journal.
Your involvement in progress of any journal can be valuable. You must suggest the things you learn from your experience. It will help the journal editor to improve. Also it proves your credibility for the journal.
Finally, all i can say is your contribution as a reviewer is important for any journal. When you get an opportunity, its totally in your hand to make it big. When you involve in betterment of any journal it in fact a learning for you too.
Exchange of thought is very crucial part for any organization to develop. You being reviewer can play this role very effectively. All the above stated principles will not only help the journal but also a reviewer for better contribution.
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I request all of you to drop few more suggestions and expectations from the reviewers in comment box.
Tags: peer review, peer review process, Reviewer