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Case Study for Engineering Education

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Case Study as Teaching Pedagogy:

The case study is very effective as fur as the engineering education is concern. I am going to brief about how to make case study for engineering education. The felicitators are always in search of the new and effective pedagogy for engineering education. This article gives brief idea about how to make case study. The use of case studies as a teaching pedagogy will be effective way of improving teaching learning.

Case Study for Engineering Education:

The teaching learning process in engineering education to be more effective. It helps to develop the skills of upcoming engineers.  As we know, engineering education in India is passing through the phase of transformation. Moreover the conventional classroom teaching was proven the least effective method.  Engineering teachers have to upgrade the skills of teaching.It helps to improve the delivery of the contents. It is useful in context of improving the employability skills of the students. Harvard Business School in early 70s has developed the case studies. They have utilized it for the teaching learning process empowerment.

Case studies in education have not only opened the new doors of opportunities for the teachers but also improves education.  Understanding, analyzing, solving and presenting the solution of the problem are the key aspects of case study. Case studies were found effective for explaining the concepts like leadership & decision making. Whereas,its challenge for the technical teachers to develop case studies.

The case studies when included in the teaching learning, has found very useful to make the students. As a matter of fact, It is also helpful for personal understanding. Beside that, It is an aid to understand the aspects like practical situations and various features of situation. It also considers the  the efforts taken by the team to address the situation along with above points. Also,several case studies have been developed for understanding the management principles. While there is still a huge scope to prepare the case studies for engineering as well as technology.

What is case Study?

 It is simply a set of information formulated from the research carried out to understand the success or failure of a person, group, situation or a product.

What are the advantages of case studies for engineering education?

  • Greater Learning
  • Students Involvement
  • Increased Course Work
  • Exposes the students to the reality
  • Experiential Learning as well

How to make case studies for engineering education:

We have identified the following steps to make case studies for engineering education as below:

  • Identify the topic
  • Survey about the problem statement
  • Furthur, understand the problem also
  • Similarly,find the root causes of problem
  • Find out the situations during which the problem arises
  • Also, perceive the solutions provided
  • In addition,grasp the background of why said solution is provided
  • Know how the problem is overcame and other aspects
  • Understand  the outcomes
  • Collect the evidences of the case
  • Decide the appropriate title for the case
  • Include the possible interactions with the people involved in the case
  • Finally,prepare the final draft of case
case study

Fig.1: How to prepare the case studies

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