5 incredible things to do after paper publication, will help you in getting more citations. Most of the times we publish the paper and forget it. This is not good. If you really want your paper to be have citation its not over.
An author can add value to the publication even after publishing. Yes it is true!!!
You take many effort right from preparation to publication of paper. How can you be so careless after that (Sorry for the hard words). With your small efforts you can make your paper more valuable.
Off course a paper is valuable if it is cited by others. The citation for a paper is the symbol of better quality work. Unless our paper has good contents no one bothers about citing it. If no one is referring your paper what is the value of your work?
I am gonna help you in improving credibility of your publication. I have prepare a list of things must be done after paper publication.
Obviously, you have to share your publication on social platforms like Facebook, twitter, academia and research gate. Sharing of your paper makes it easily available to read and refer. It helps in improving instant value of your paper.
Even if the publisher is not assigning the DOI to your paper, no need to worry. You can assign the DOI to your article. Yes it is possible and free of cost. You can assign the DOI to article from the trusted platforms of Elsevier like Mendeley.
Sharing your paper on the repositories can be a good option. To name a few, open AIRE, semantic scholar, and Thomson Reuters Researchers Id etc. These repositories will help you in improving presence of your article in front of interested audience.
Do not forget Google Scholar – one of most referring platform for research papers. Most of the times Google scholar may take time to index your paper. After a time of one month from publication if paper is not indexed i suggest you to add it manually.
You can share your paper with your friends and colleagues through email. It will be useful to inform all your colleagues that you have published a paper. It is prestigious for you. You will be motivating them to publish the paper too.
5 incredible things to do after paper publication
This is my sincere request for all of you to follow these steps. Your paper will be rank better. Similarly, the papers citations will improve if it is easily accessible.
You may add few quick comments to improve the impact of paper.