editor@journalnx.com ISSN No.(E):2581-4230

Welcome to JournalNX

A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal

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Why Choose JournalNX?

JournalNX - a Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal is a peer reviewed, open access international journal. Notably, it is a referred, highly indexed, monthly, online international journal with high impact.

Best Paper Award

2000+ Satisfied Authors

Presence in International Databases

About A Peer Reviewed Journal

JournalNX - a Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal is a peer reviewed, open access international journal. Notably, it is a referred, highly indexed, monthly, online international journal with high impact.

Subsequently, JournalNX is a platform for researchers, authors, engineers and technocrats. Also, we are publishing the original and best quality research. This is our initiative for the betterment of technical society.

The main objective, of the peer reviewed journal is to motivate the researchers. It works to achieve excellence in research publishing.

In addition, the journal provides the platform for publishing. We publish high quality scientific research work. We have the lowest processing charges. Off course, the scientific research promotion is the motivation behind having the low publication charges.

Eventually, Novateur Publication publishes JournalNX. Novateur Publication is moving towards the 5th year of excellence in scientific quality publishing.

Further, we believe that, the journal is not international by the name. It is international by the international contributing researchers, editors, reviewers. In all honesty, most important are the authors.

Call For Papers

JournalNX invites the authors to submit their original research for publication in the current issue. The last date for submission is 25th of every month.

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Peer Reviewed Journal at a Glance

ISSN No.(E):2581-4230

Online ISSN Number

Double Blind Peer Review

Peer Review Process

Monthly (12 issues per Year)

Frequency of Publications


International License

1-2 weeks

Publication Period

Open Access

Access to the published Peer reviewed articles

To conclude we can say, in consequence with the above stated facts, our policies on publishing are prepared. In short, being International Journal of Scientific Research, we are strict on the policies of publication. Moreover, we stick to policies.














Special Issues


Every indexing and abstracting service has the basic criteria for inclusion of the journals. JournalNX is working continuously to get included in more and more standard databases for getting the journal ranking, index journal, journal citation reports.